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News & Blog

For anything adoption related you can keep up-to-date here. Everything from personal blogs and adoption stories, to adoption support and changes in the law, we aim to keep you in the loop. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to receive notifications on when new stories are published.


I always knew I wanted to adopt

Like many Londoners, Paul* migrated from his hometown in the north to work and build a new life for himself. With a fantastic career and social life, Paul tells us…

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Black Lives Matter Adopt London working group

What has been happening with the Black Lives Matter Adopt London working group? Henrietta Delalu, has started work on the project in response to Black Lives Matter. Henrietta is…

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You Can Adopt – it’s rewarding like nothing else!

The #YOUCANADOPT campaign has been created by a cross sector of Regional Adoption Agencies, Voluntary Adoption Agencies and other key stakeholders around adoption in England, supported by the Department for…

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Adoption support fund LGBT Process

We have a little boy who we are incredibly proud of

Steven and Jason* had always wanted to adopt, living in a one bedroom flat, they knew things needed to change – and after one adoption information evening they were hooked and…

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Covid Support

Closer and Stronger

Adopt London, has teamed up with award winning film animation company My Pockets to encourage special guardianship families and adopters to access support from some of the leading…

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Resources Support

There’s so much to gain with an NATP membership

Free memberships are available with the National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP) for Adopt London adopters and Special Guardians. It’s really worthwhile, and so many parents are already feeling more…

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A letter to Adopt London families

We are writing to you- adoptive families, prospective adopters and adopted adults, because we want to find a way to acknowledge the massive significance of the death of George Floyd…

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Carrie & David Grant and the Adopt London Virtual Choir!

Adopt London adoptive parents and adoption workers have come together to join the Adopt London Virtual Choir. Singing is for everyone; it’s fun and it makes you feel good. Well-known…

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SGO Support

At Grandparents Plus, we’re the leading kinship care charity and we’re here for you.

At Kinship we are working hard during the health crisis to support families who have specific concerns and needs. We are pleased to work with Grandparents Plus – the kinship…

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Covid Resources Support

Adopt London announce new partnership with PAC-UK & Adoptionplus

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Adopt London have commissioned a bespoke therapeutic support service for adoptive families and for families caring for children under Special Guardianship Orders. This service…

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Covid Resources Support

The Big Wind by NATP

Here is a really insightful and realistic message to parents who are living through the COVID19 restrictions and isolation period with their adopted or special guardianship children. It gives us…

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Resources Support

Free membership to NATP for Adopt London families during COVID19

The National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP) and Adopt London are working together to support adoptive families during COVID19. We are pleased to announce you are invited to join this…

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Covid Resources Support

Mum Beverley in COVID-19 lock down

In this blog we hear from a single mother Beverley*, in ‘lock down’ with her 4 year old, trying not to go stir crazy, trying to keep her daughter…

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Covid Resources Support

Coronavirus, a book for children from Nosy Crow

With the current Government guidelines to stay at home, it can be tricky to explain this to some adopted children – who may already be anxious and confused by the…

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Education Resources Virtual schools

Useful websites for online learning

Hello! Our Virtual School have compiled a list of the best websites that offer FREE learning resources, ideas, activities, lessons and more, for you to use at home. Click here…

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Covid Resources

How to talk to your child about COVID 19

The current messaging around the Coronavirus (Covid 19) can be worrying for children. It’s OK for them to be curious and concerned about family and friends, and we can support…

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Birth family Contact Resources

A mother’s story

‘She’s not my real mum, you know’   It was said so casually – a matter-of-fact statement that temporarily stopped the room. It was just me and my…

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Vicky Ford MP supports Adopt London launch

Children and Families Minister Vicky Ford supports Adopt London, as they launch their service to adopted children and their families in the capital. She speaks of her new role…

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Covid Support

Wash Away Coronavirus: a guide for children

Now is a good time to remind your children about the Coronavirus and what they can do to join the whole country in helping to contain the virus. Click here…

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Covid Support

Helping children during COVID-19 containment period

There is a lot happening in our world right now that can cause many of us to feel anxious, especially the current Coronavirus (Covid 19). Children and young people…

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