The Adoption Barometer Survey is open for adopted people, prospective & approved adoptive parents. Share your views.

Contact us

Are you thinking about adoption? If you live in London or the surrounding area and are interested in adopting a child, please book an online information event with the Regional Adoption Agency representing the borough where you live, or is most convenient for you.

Are you an adoptive family who needs support? If you live in or are connected to one of the 24 Adopt London boroughs, please use the drop-down menu below to find the contact details for your Regional Adoption Agency.

Do you need support? If you are an adopted adult (aged 18+) or a birth family member and live in one of the 24 Adopt London boroughs, please use the drop-down menu below to find the contact details for your Regional Adoption Agency.

Adopt London South

160 Tooley Street, London Bridge, London, SE1 2QH

General Enquiries - If you are thinking about whether adoption is right for you, or have a query about our services.

Post Adoption Support Team - If you are an adopter or a professional and require help or advice to meet an adopted child’s needs.

Family Finding Team - If you are seeking a family for an child for whom adoption is the plan. This is not a service for tracing birth family members.

Adopted Adults Team - If you are an Adopted Adult who needs support or wants to find out more about your personal story.

Letterbox Enquiries - If you are a birth parent or adopter and wish to discuss the contact arrangements after an adoption order has been granted.

London Boroughs London Boroughs

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