New national campaign inspires people to start their adoption journey – find out more.


How can we help you? Each and every member of London’s adoption community has a different story to tell.  The resources here we hope will help answer your questions and guide you on your path to finding a new family. There are books, reading materials, videos, contacts and other organisation that can help broaden your knowledge around adopting and the process to match you with a child.

Recommended Reading for Prospective Adopters

  • Building the Bonds of Attachment (2017) by Daniel A Hughes
  • The Primal Wound: Understanding the adopted child (2009) by Nancy Verrier
  • The Simple Guide to Child Trauma: What It Is and How to Help by Betsy de Thierry (2016)
  • A Child’s Journey through Placement by Vera Fahlberg UK Edition, (2012)
  • Why love matters. How affection shapes a baby’s brain by Sue Gerhardt, second edition, (2014)
  • Adoption the essential guide by Diana Cambridge, (2012)
  • The Adopter’s Handbook by Amy Neil Slater, (2012)
  • Adopting a Child by Jennifer Lord, (2011)
  • Parenting a child affected by Parental Substance Misuse, by Donald Forrester (2012)
  • No Matter What: An Adoptive Family’s Story of Hope, Love and Healing by Sally Donovan (2013)
  • Nurturing natures: Attachment and Children’s Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development by Graham Music, (2010)
  • Adopting a Brother or Sister (2010), Heidi Argent
  • Watch – Adopting a child with additional needs.
  • An Adoption Diary, A couple’s journey from infertility to parenthood (2006), M James
  • Approaching Fatherhood – A guide for adoptive dads and others (2005) by Paul May
  • Managing Contact by Henrietta Bond, (2007)

Useful Websites, documentaries & podcasts

  • We Are Family (WAF) is an independent adoption peer-to-peer support community that operates in and around London.
  • Consider the First Steps online training resource, this is a great tool to see how prepared and ready you are for an adoption assessment.
  • Adoption England is a collaboration of regional adoption agencies working together. They provide information and materials for adoption professionals, adopted people, adoptive parents and birth families nationally.
  • Two Good Mums is the story of two women who have worked together since meeting for the first time to break the boundaries of the rules of contact that they felt did not put the needs of the children first.
  • – podcast with true experiences of adoption.
  • A Child in Mind series of podcasts about child and adolescent mental health – including clinical experts being interviewed.
  • TED Talk about: how childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime.
  • BBC Radio 4 website podcast – “The Adoption” – 17 episodes (10 mins each) following real story of adopters taking on siblings from everyone’s perspective.
  • The Long Road to Baby (BBC radio 4).
  • We Made a Wish adoption magazine (online magazine written by adopters).

About Transracial, Black and Minority Ethnic Adoption

smiling black Muslim woman wearing a head dress

For Single Adopters

Black man looking thoughtful with a book

Films about Adoption

  • Secrets & Lies, is a 1996 British drama film written and directed by Mike Leigh – also about an adult who was adopted seeking more understanding about her birth parents and life story.
  • Mercy Mercy: A true story of adoption, Danish film on an intercountry transracial adoption from Ethiopia, 2012.
  • Philomena is a 2013 British drama film directed by Stephen Frears.
  • Lion is a 2016 biographical film directed by Garth Davis – on international adoption from India but also relevant to transracial adoption.
  • Instant Family, 2018 – A comedy about parents who adopt a sibling group of three children

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