
Adopt London is joining adoption agencies around the country as the latest You Can Adopt campaign launched on Tuesday 23 July 2024.

The campaign – The Journey – inspires people to take the first step towards growing their family through adoption. The new film and the experiences of real-life adopters shows that the path may not always be smooth, but the rewards of giving a child a loving, stable home are unparalleled.

The Journey

Many people hold back from starting their adoption journeys because they’re waiting for the ‘perfect’ time or circumstances – but for a child in need of a permanent home, the perfect time is now. Like any new parents, many prospective adopters worry about their ability to cope – but with adoption, this is a journey you can navigate with Adopt London.

The campaign showcases that while there may be bumps in the road, adopting a child in need of a forever home will take you to places you never imagined – once you take that first step.

As part of the campaign, adopters from all walks of life are sharing the ups and downs of their own adoption journeys, highlighting that like all family trips, adoption is an experience that’s full of adventure, challenges, chaos, and conversation – but most importantly, love.

Watch the film below, and head over to Instagram and Facebook@adoptlondonuk – and you can follow the campaign with us.

Personal experiences of adoption

Featuring families from a range of backgrounds, Miles (from BBC’s The Traitors) and his husband Pip describe their journey as the adventure of a lifetime.

couple with child on shoulders

Hollie and James adopted Florence two years ago. They say that while the process was difficult at times, they were grateful to have the opportunity to learn more about each other and their relationship. They now feel closer than ever.

Adoption with Adopt London

In supporting this campaign, Adopt London Heads of Service state;

 ‘The challenges facing society at large are having an impact on us all.  Usually, the most vulnerable in society are severely affected and it is for these reasons it is so important that if a child cannot stay in their parents’ care or the care of other significant people in their lives, they have the option of being able to grow up in a family that is able to care for them throughout their lives and provide them with the love, support, encouragement and guidance they will need throughout their childhood and beyond. 

For the first time in years, we are seeing less people considering adoption meaning that there are more children waiting for security in their permanent homes. This is a critical situation.  If you are thinking about adoption, the ‘perfect time’ is right now.  Becoming a parent by adoption is a personal path to navigate but it is well-scaffolded by the support of key people along the way, to make the journey to parenting a child by adoption as smooth as possible and the final destination will be a life changing experience not only for a child, but for you too.’

With preparation, support, and advice from our agencies across London, we invite you to find out more. The Adopt London teams host Information Sessions and Meet The Adopters events for you to attend. Just locate a session that covers the area where you live and book your place via our Events page.  Please also visit our Information Pack page.

New podcast with Miles Asteri

A new You Can Adopt podcast episode hosted by BBC’s ‘The Traitors’ star and adoptive-father-of-two, Miles Asteri, is in conversation with adopter Alex, about her adoption journey.

In the podcast, they discuss their experiences with adoption, reflecting on the ups and downs of the journey to finding their forever families. Search YouCanAdopt wherever you listen to your podcast or listen on Soundcloud.

If you’d like to find out more about the campaign, adoption and much more, please visit: youcanadopt.co.uk

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