New National Adoption Week campaign inspires people to start their adoption journey – find out more.

Talking to Adopters

Some of the best and most inspiring people to talk to you about adoption are those that have already adopted. They can relate to your questions, concerns, apprehension, fears, and excitement better than many; they’ve probably been through most of it themselves. At Adopt London will believe it is important that you have opportunities to speak to and listen to our adopters who can share with you their real-life experiences.

Meet The Adopters

'Meet The Adopters' events

We facilitate regular meetings for potential adopters called ‘Meet The Adopters’. These events provide an amazing opportunity for potential adopters to hear from an ever-changing panel of adoptive parents who have already adopted a child and wish to share their knowledge and experience with you.

The panel of speakers may be single, part of a couple, LGBT, BAME or families who adopted siblings or a baby via Early Permanence, families who already have birth children or adopters who have come back to do it all over again. You will hear them talk openly and honestly about the assessment process, panel, matching, introductions, contact, accessing support and education, but most importantly about life as a family.

Each event also provides you with have the opportunity to ask them questions directly, to get their advice, and listen in on other household’s queries, concerns, and recommendations. You can sign up for any of the Adopt London ‘Meet The Adopter’ events, no matter which London borough you live in.

Peer Support from We Are Family

We Are Family (WAF) is an independent adoption support community that also provides Peer Support Groups. These take place regularly, either face to face in comfortable surroundings over a cuppa, or online, in the comfort of your own home.

  • Parent Groups – are locally run sessions which offer support, not advice, for approved adoptive parents (from matching onwards), and provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to to reflect on adoptive parenthood with other like-minded parents.
  • Single Adopter Groups – in North London and South London, meet online and face-to-face sometimes providing creche facilities.
  • Prospective Adopters Group – recommended for all adopter in Stage 2 of the formal adoption assessment

The sessions are free.  Please go to the WAF website to become a member for free and to participate in any of these groups.


Peer Support from New Family Social

New Family Social are the national UK Charity led and run by LGBT+ adopters and foster carers. As Adopt London are members, all our LGBT+ families receive free support both whilst you are being assessed and once you are approved.

Use their secure online member forums and meetups (currently online). You can seek support with other LGBT+ people who are in the same place as you and from those who are more experienced, and share your experience .

You can ask your Social Worker to complete the referral form or you can sign-up directly at New Family Social – Join Now.

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