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Vicky Ford MP supports Adopt London launch

20th March 2020 News

Children and Families Minister Vicky Ford supports Adopt London, as they launch their service to adopted children and their families in the capital. She speaks of her new role and how adoption can be transformative for children. The launch of the latest Regional Adoption Agency (RAA) – Adopt London – means children can find loving families more quickly, and adopters and birth families can receive the support they need.


On launch day, March 3rd, Annie Hudson, chair of the exec board, for Adopt London said:

“This is a first for London and sees 23 of London’s local authorities joining forces to speed up the process for people waiting to adopt children, while also helping to cut down the length of time that children spend waiting to be adopted.

“Adoption is both rewarding and fulfilling and can make a real difference to both the child’s and the adult’s life. It’s important that we attract people from all parts of the community and that no one rules themselves out from adopting a child.”

Team Adopt London

As well as launching as a new Regional Adoption Agency (RAA), Adopt London took the opportunity to host a staff day, to enable the four London teams; Adopt London East, Adopt London West, Adopt London South and Adopt London North, to come together to share best practices and tackle issues common to providing an adoption service.

It was a chance for the teams to look at the practical aspects of teamwork – across the London area. There were discussions to ensure children are placed with families who can love and support them throughout their childhood, helping prospective adopters on their journey and a key area is support for children, adopters, birth families and adopted adults. We captured the whole day with James from James The Scribe!

Our special guests were celebrity couple Carrie and David Grant – who have four children, including their adopted son. They are both strong advocates of adoption and encourage all families to consider adoption if they can. They also spoke about some of the challenges they have faced while raising their birth children and adopted son, all with their own needs. Carrie and David said:

“Raising children with additional needs has been both challenging and fantastic. We’ve learned so much as family and we feel privileged to have been able to adopt a child. There are so many in care and in need of a family.”

Listening to the adopter’s voice

Carrie and David used the power of their voices to demonstrate how listening and working together can make a real difference, and that building on this to support families would benefit adoptive families, both parents and the children.

It was also an opportunity for staff across the London area to come together and celebrate the achievements already made in the short time working together, and to look closely at some of the powerful messages and issues Carrie and David shared about their experience of raising a child who was adopted. They spoke from the heart, and gave adoptive parents a voice, while challenging Adopt London to reinforce the messages to families.

Sara Calladine, Regional Adoption Agencies Team Leader, Department for Education, spoke of the excellent coming together of the London RAA and its potential to make a real difference to the lives of children and families. Sara praised the professionalism and dedication of the workers, support teams, management and Heads of Service in each RAA.


Next: Wash Away Coronavirus: a guide for children

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