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News & Blog

For anything adoption related you can keep up-to-date here. Everything from personal blogs and adoption stories, to adoption support and changes in the law, we aim to keep you in the loop. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to receive notifications on when new stories are published.

Autism Could you adopt? Neurodiversity

Why adopting a neurodivergent child is a transformative journey for YOU!

Embracing Neurodiversity by bestselling author Chloe Hayden. Chloé Hayden is an award winning motivational speaker, actor, performer, author, influencer, content creator and disability rights activist and advocate. Diagnosed as autistic…

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Contact Early Permanence LGBTQ+

“Did it fulfil all of our dreams? Of course it did!”

Tim and Raveen adopted their son through Early Permanence. Raveen explains what the process was like for them. “We were talking about having children for a while and exploring our…

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Why is family contact important in adoption?

“Contact, where safe, appropriate and properly managed, can be valuable for an adoptive child, their new family and their birth family, including siblings and other relatives.” Children and Families Act…

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Five facts about LGBTQ+ adoption in the UK

One in six adoptions in the UK are by same-sex couples, yet there are still many myths and concerns within the community about who can adopt, what is required to…

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Safer Internet Day 2023

Whilst being online can offer inspiring learning and a fun environment, this Safer Internet Day, we wanted to highlight some of the advantages of starting and maintaining conversations with your…

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books Podcast Research

Getting yourself adoption-ready

Now is a good time to find out more about adopting a child. There’s a range of books, podcasts and organisations all sharing knowledge and first-hand experience of adoption –…

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Choir Peer support Post adoption support

Adoption support with a difference – Join the choir!

At the end of this summer, statistics were released about the number of black African and black Caribbean children waiting to be adopted. Evidence was shared that many have to…

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Adopted Adult Birth family Consultation

PAC-UK launch ‘BIG CONSULT 2022’ surveys for adopted people and birth families

PAC-UK has launched the first ’BIG CONSULT’ of adopted people and birth families. They want to hear about the experiences and views of adopted people and birth families on a…

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Kinship SGO Support

Helping South London kinship families face rising cost of living in the holiday period

In the run-up to Christmas, we wanted to write to you to let you know what the Kinship Hub is doing to support Kinship Carers in these increasingly difficult…

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Adopters Children Siblings

A Life Less Ordinary

No child should have to wait longer than another to be adopted and yet more than 1,000 children in England are waiting significantly longer than others to find their forever…

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Brother Children Siblings

How I see it by Harry

Read our interview with 13 year old Harry.*  He was four years old when his parents adopted a little girl – his sister Cassie*.  You can also read Harry’s mum’s…

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Choir Support

You will be Found

“Have you ever felt like nobody was there? Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere? Have you ever felt like you could disappear? Like…

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Spring Garden Fun

Lotty is a birth mum, an adoptive mum, a horticulturist and a landscape gardener. She shares a perfect craft activity to keep kids busy outside, collecting and creating. As you…

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Children Siblings

This is Cassie, my little sister …. she’s adopted!

Sara and Tony* knew they wanted another child. They already had their biological son Harry*, and discovered getting pregnant again wasn’t going to happen naturally. In their 40s the couple…

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Adopted Adult Black British Podcast

Five Black British women talk to Black Ballad

Black Ballad, a UK based lifestyle initiative for Black women is hosting a podcast featuring five Black British women – all talking about adoption – each from their own perspective.

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Greenwich Adoption Services join Adopt London South

Adopt London South, hosted by Southwark Council, delivers adoption services for the London boroughs of Croydon, Kingston, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Richmond, Southwark, Sutton, Wandsworth, and is now joined by the…

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LGBTQ+ New Family Social Transracial

An interview with Tor Docherty Chief Executive at New Family Social

Adopt London spoke with Tor Docherty, Chief Executive of New Family Social, on the eve of LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week, to talk about why more LGBTQ+ people need…

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Barber shop

Adopting a child of a different ethnicity raises the question of hair care. My son was adopted from Ethiopia and has jet black tight curly hair. My hair is that…

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Book Christian

Adopting a child by Patricia Dopemu

At one time or another, many of us will have thought about adopting a child, especially as we know some children can wait longer for a new parent. For author…

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Birth family

Inspirational Birth Mum Poem

One birth Mum talks openly about the many ways that Family Rights Group has helped her, and others like her by encouraging and supporting them to find ways to…

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