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Five Black British women talk to Black Ballad

16th May 2022 News

Black Ballad, a UK based lifestyle initiative for Black women is hosting a podcast featuring five Black British women – all talking about adoption – each from their own perspective.

Part of the Black Ballad Presents: The Survival Guide podcast series, host and Head of Black Ballad (BB) editor Jendella Benson talks with four adoptive mums; Henrietta, Patricia and LGBTQ+ couple Priscilla and Didi. Representing the voice of the adopted person, Jendella speaks with Shania, co-founder of Adoptee Futures, whose aim is to reclaim the narrative and ensure that anyone thinking about adopting a child fully understands that it’s about making children ‘the centre of adoption’.

The passion and determination of all our speakers is clear. Click the link here to listen to the podcast in full.

About Black Ballad

Black Ballad tells the human experience through eyes of Black British women. Black Ballad exists to help every Black woman realise how she can change her world through every click she makes and every conversation she has.

‘We tell stories, host events and create experiences for, by and about Black women that they can’t and won’t get anywhere else. From our articles and podcasts, to our thriving membership and community, BB exists to do one thing – help Black women in Britain and beyond live their best lives.’


This recording is with thanks to all the strong women who enabled this podcast to take place, from the initial concept in partnership with Adopt London, to our amazing speakers (from in and around London), right through to production with Black Ballad.


Quotes from this podcast

The mums featured in this podcast share their motivation to becoming a mum, they offer advice and encouragement to other potential parents – even when the going gets tough and the doubts start to creep in.

‘All kinds of things go through your mind during the process; I’m not quitting, I’m going to make it work, and you start to look at the bigger picture. You don’t want the fear of the unknown to stop you’.  Priscilla and Didi @that_a.c_life on Instagram


‘Things about your upbringing, growing up, (and) things you don’t normally consider. It’s emotional – I had a lot more baggage than my husband!’   Patricia Dopemu, author ‘Help! I’m adopting a child


It’s a privilege to be an adopter. You have to share your history, then prove you’ve got what it takes.  Henrietta, social worker and adoptive mum

Shania, co-founder of Adoptee Futures, is equally determined in informing potential adopters that adoption is for life.

‘When you adopt a child, you’re not adopting a brand new baby … a shiny new thing. This child has had a life before you. When you adopt a child you are adopting their family too.’  Shania, co-founder, Adoptee Futures


Adoption isn’t always the ‘easy’ option for any part of the adoption triangle; adoptees, adopters or birth parents (who are not represented here, but who we acknowledge). This podcast is for all mums (and dads) who are able to consider raising a child who is Black or of Mixed Ethnicity. With determination, openness and willing to explore the possibilities, you too can be like the mums on this podcast, and champion and support the journey a child makes to adulthood via adoption, like Shania.

To find out more about adoption, please visit our Black and Mixed Ethnicity Children’s page, watch the Our Children video and book your place on one of our Information or Meet the Adopters sessions via our Events page.

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