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You will be Found

24th May 2022 News

“Have you ever felt like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall, and no one would hear?”

If you are ever feeling sad, isolated, anxious, overwhelmed, or lost, you are not alone.  Adopt London is here to listen and support you. There are other adopters who are happy to talk to you too, for peer-to-peer support, as well as professionals ready to help or, signpost you to other therapeutic providers.

The Adopt London Virtual Choir and their WhatsApp group are a great way to connect adopters through music as well as having a safe and supportive space to voice their highs and lows.

Listen to their version of the song ‘You Will Be Found’ from the musical Dear Evan Hansen, which addresses some of those familiar feelings.

We all feel anxious, sad, and isolated at times. Adoption is rewarding but can be tough too.  There are other adopters just like you, who feel exactly the same way.

The song, You Will Be Found, is from the musical Dear Evan Hansen, written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul.  In the show, this song is a pivotal moment when one teenager makes a heartfelt speech setting off an outpouring of love and support between his classmates as they go through a difficult time.  The lyrics are powerful and when you watch the Adopt London Choir video, you can see what it means to those involved – the adopters and their children.  It is a message that resonates with the adoption community and here at Adopt London. You are not alone. One choir member, Charlie, said,

“The Adopt London Virtual choir has been a lovely way to meet other people in the adoption world. The WhatsApp group has become not only a communication tool but an advice and support network in a non-judgemental environment. Who cares if we can or can’t sing, it’s about having time to ourselves, to release any tension, and smile with people who understand.”


New choir members are always welcome. They meet every Tuesday for one hour at 7:30 pm and if you are an approved adopter living in or connected to one of the 24 Adopt London boroughs, you can email Megan at [email protected] for more information about joining.

There are other services and support available from Adopt London. Please contact your local post adoption support team for advice and guidance on what might suit you and your family best.  Just remember, you are not alone.

Next: Adopt London Choir – That’s Christmas to me

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