New national campaign inspires people to start their adoption journey – find out more.



The Importance of Openness in Adoption

Sarah Johal, Adoption England Strategic Lead, shares her views on why it is important for the sector to help adopted people know more about their family history and stay in touch with birth family members or other important relationships, where safe and supported to do so. Sarah has decades of first-hand experience working within the sector, after previously leading the…

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The London Early Permanence Project

Hello! I am Grace Panayiotou, the Early Permanence Lead for a Department for Education (DfE) funded project for Adopt London and Coram Ambitious for Adoption. I have been in my role since October 2023 when Adopt London and Coram Ambitious for Adoption secured a bid via the DfE to develop Early Permanence (EP) across London. I have a business plan…

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Black families tell their adoption story

Watch these You Can Adopt films featuring three Black families; Azumah, who adopted her son with her husband, Jacqui, a single mum with a son who went on to adopt her foster daughter and Pearl and Errord, parents to twins boys and their adopted daughter Amara, who also talks about her experience. They tell us about their adoption journeys, and…

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Why adopting a neurodivergent child is a transformative journey for YOU!

Embracing Neurodiversity by bestselling author Chloe Hayden. Chloé Hayden is an award winning motivational speaker, actor, performer, author, influencer, content creator and disability rights activist and advocate. Diagnosed as autistic (and ADHD) at the age of thirteen and feeling ostracised from society, Chloe started an anonymous blog to share her feelings and to find a community and ended up building…

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“Did it fulfil all of our dreams? Of course it did!”

Tim and Raveen adopted their son through Early Permanence. Raveen explains what the process was like for them. “We were talking about having children for a while and exploring our options as a same sex couple. We looked at surrogacy and what that would involve and then the same at adoption, and after we were more drawn to adoption. That’s…

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Five facts about LGBTQ+ adoption in the UK

One in six adoptions in the UK are by same-sex couples, yet there are still many myths and concerns within the community about who can adopt, what is required to be able to adopt and how people will be treated. It seems strange that the first same-sex adoptions were only made legal 18 years ago in 2005. It was so…

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Getting yourself adoption-ready

Now is a good time to find out more about adopting a child. There’s a range of books, podcasts and organisations all sharing knowledge and first-hand experience of adoption – from all points of view. At Adopt London, we are keen to share a holistic and modern view of adoption, and we encourage prospective adopters – as part of their…

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How I see it by Harry

Read our interview with 13 year old Harry.*  He was four years old when his parents adopted a little girl – his sister Cassie*.  You can also read Harry’s mum’s blog. Scroll down and click the link.   What’s your earliest memory of your sister coming to live with you? Not that much! It was nearly nine years ago. I…

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Spring Garden Fun

Lotty is a birth mum, an adoptive mum, a horticulturist and a landscape gardener. She shares a perfect craft activity to keep kids busy outside, collecting and creating. As you get out and about at this time of year you will see all the new leaves on the trees and the buds on the flowers, it’s the ideal time to…

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This is Cassie, my little sister …. she’s adopted!

Sara and Tony* knew they wanted another child. They already had their biological son Harry*, and discovered getting pregnant again wasn’t going to happen naturally. In their 40s the couple were considering their options in terms of growing their family and a little brother or sister for Harry. Sara and Tony decided they didn’t want the challenges of IVF, especially…

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Barber shop

Adopting a child of a different ethnicity raises the question of hair care. My son was adopted from Ethiopia and has jet black tight curly hair. My hair is that of a Caucasian person, straightish and dirty-blond in colour. My son’s dense, thickly wound curls, are a magnet for attracting things: sand on a beach, grass from the park, and…

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Adopting a child by Patricia Dopemu

At one time or another, many of us will have thought about adopting a child, especially as we know some children can wait longer for a new parent. For author Patricia Dopemu and her family, adoption was a lifelong calling. She had the desire but felt she wasn’t quite ready, or that she needed to be rich, until a friend…

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Inspirational Birth Mum Poem

One birth Mum talks openly about the many ways that Family Rights Group has helped her, and others like her by encouraging and supporting them to find ways to tell their stories, and to use their voices to raise awareness. Angela Frazer Wicks has a ten-year-old daughter who has no local authority involvement whatsoever and shortly before Christmas 2020…

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Starting Secondary School

Nothing prepared me for how big an adjustment secondary school would be for my son. I am the sole parent to a wonderful child I adopted from Ethiopia aged 20 months. My son has a bright, big beautiful smile and just wants to have fun and play. He’s very tall and looks closer to 15 years of age, than the…

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Early Permanence was the best decision we ever made

Family has always been important to my husband and I, so it was natural for us to want to start our own. Unfortunately, this was not a smooth journey and, after many years of failed IVF treatments, we decided to look into adoption. Towards the end of our adoption assessment, our social worker talked to us about the idea of…

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Adopt London Choir – That’s Christmas to me

The festive season is here and the Adopt London Choir is back with a Christmas song that not only gets you in the mood, but also demonstrates the friendship, support and sheer enjoyment of a group of adoptive families and staff. They have come together in what has been another year none of us expected. Choirmaster Megan Tanner and…

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Looking back on my journey to being a dad

Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a Dad and when I came out as a gay man that did not change. My husband and I initially looked at surrogacy, but it just didn’t feel right for us. Fast forward a few years and we began our adoption journey with our local authority at the time. When we…

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Tackling Fatherhood

I watch as all the other dads stand at the sidelines of mini-football cheering on their kids, shouting out advice – it’s all like some foreign Attenborough documentary. I know nothing about football, and nor does my male partner. But our 6-year-old son is obsessed; it’s all he talks about, giving us a play-by-play of the school lunchtime game with…

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Three Reasons To Garden With Your Children

Lotty is an adoptive mum, a birth mum, a horticulturist and a landscape gardener. She shares three reasons parents should get their kids outside and in the garden. #1 Putting a tiny seed into a pot, watering it and seeing it grow is a great project you can do with your little ones. Getting your hands into rich, warm soil is one…

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Adopt London say thank you to foster carers during #WhyWeCare campaign

As we approach the end of this year’s Fostering Network’s Fostering Fortnight – 10-24 May, we wanted to shine the spotlight on the many foster carers who work with Adopt London. When children come into care they are usually placed with a foster carer. It’s here children are given the opportunity to really feel safe, to…

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