The Adoption Barometer Survey is open for adopted people, prospective & approved adoptive parents. Share your views.

A letter to Adopt London families

19th June 2020 Blog

We are writing to you- adoptive families, prospective adopters and adopted adults, because we want to find a way to acknowledge the massive significance of the death of George Floyd in our society, and the heartache and anger caused. We are sure that this and the protests which have resulted have been forefront in most of our minds over the past few weeks. It is particularly heart-breaking that at the same time we are also learning about the significantly increased risks of covid-19 to those of black and Asian ethnicity. We want to do all we can within our sphere of influence to show our care for you, to listen to you and remind you how valued and important you are to us.

We want you to know that we oppose all forms of discrimination and will do our best to support all our families in these difficult times. Recent events will have impacted on all families, and children may have questions or be fearful. Please press the links below for a range of materials which may provide food for thought and help you to support your children with their questions.

If you have any articles or information which you feel would be helpful to other adopters please get in touch and we will endeavour to share these.

We will set up a working group (with an external facilitator) and hope to work with our staff and adopters to make sure Adopt London is an organisation which truly welcomes, understands and supports all our adopters. The majority of children we work with are BAME, and often wait longer to be placed than white children. We want to make sure we support them to the best of our ability.

We will not always get things right and want to hear your views. We would like to know about your experiences, what has worked, what didn’t and how we could improve. We are especially keen to hear from our BAME adopters, or families who have adopted transracially, but also welcome views on these topics from all. We know that discrimination comes in many forms.

If you wish to be part of the working group or would like to contribute thoughts, experiences or ideas for the group to consider please get in touch by emailing [email protected]


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