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LGBTQ+ Adoption Week celebration – 2-8 March

2nd March 2020 News

From Monday 2 March, adoption agencies around the country join the week-long campaign to raise awareness of adoption (and fostering) in the LGBTQ+ community. The Adopt London Regional Adoption Agencies in the North, South, East and West of London support the new Why Not You? campaign. Together we’ll be tackling the myths around becoming an adoptive parent within the LGBTQ+ community.

If you have been thinking about adoption, you may have questions that you would like answered, for example, if you are single, can you adopt? Or if you have had a previous health issue? Or perhaps you feel that being over 40 years old is a barrier to adoption? Contact your local team or select an information session to attend and we’ll talk through your situation and many more, so we can help you become the parent you have always wanted to be.

The Adopt London Regional teams are members of New Family Social, (NFS) so you’ll find details of all our information sessions on their website.  If you become a NFS member, you will have access to a support network of adopters who are LBGTQ+. Their secure online forums enable you to seek support and advice from other prospective adopters and really importantly, families who have already adopted. The New Family Social families have so much experience and knowledge, not just on the practicality of being a parent, but also the emotional side too.

They also organise an annual summer camp only open to member LGBTQ+ adopters, foster carers and their children. This event is a great opportunity for children to holiday with other families that look like theirs and participate in a range of activities. Adopt London also offer support during your adoption training, preparation and process and when you start your new life with a child.

For more information about when information sessions are being held, you can visit our events page, and please support us on Facebook.

Next: Good advice to keep your child safe online

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