Black Lives Matter Adopt London working group

18th September 2020 News

What has been happening with the Black Lives Matter Adopt London working group?

Henrietta Delalu, has started work on the project in response to Black Lives Matter. Henrietta is an adopter – parent to a nine year old boy – and also happens to be a social worker. Henrietta said

“I am really excited to be leading this project. This is a unique opportunity to focus on the issues that matter to black children and their adoptive families. I am looking forward to collaborating with you all on this improvement journey. “

Henrietta will be speaking with a small number of adopter groups and organisations during Phase 1 of the project to help us agree a future plan for active working groups.

If you are an adopter with Adopt London or you live in any of the Adopt London 23 local authorities and are interested in joining this early part of the project, please email Henrietta at [email protected]

Next: You Can Adopt – it’s rewarding like nothing else!

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