New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.



A Life Less Ordinary

No child should have to wait longer than another to be adopted and yet more than 1,000 children in England are waiting significantly longer than others to find their forever homes. These children tend to be slightly older, are brothers and sisters waiting to be adopted together, have physical or educational needs, or come from ethnic minority backgrounds. In this…

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How I see it by Harry

Read our interview with 13 year old Harry.*  He was four years old when his parents adopted a little girl – his sister Cassie*.  You can also read Harry’s mum’s blog. Scroll down and click the link.   What’s your earliest memory of your sister coming to live with you? Not that much! It was nearly nine years ago. I…

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Spring Garden Fun

Lotty is a birth mum, an adoptive mum, a horticulturist and a landscape gardener. She shares a perfect craft activity to keep kids busy outside, collecting and creating. As you get out and about at this time of year you will see all the new leaves on the trees and the buds on the flowers, it’s the ideal time to…

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This is Cassie, my little sister …. she’s adopted!

Sara and Tony* knew they wanted another child. They already had their biological son Harry*, and discovered getting pregnant again wasn’t going to happen naturally. In their 40s the couple were considering their options in terms of growing their family and a little brother or sister for Harry. Sara and Tony decided they didn’t want the challenges of IVF, especially…

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Our Children – Writing the Poem

Adopt London have asked me how I wrote the poem for the animation ‘Our Children’.  I’m never quite sure where my poems come from when I write them. Sometimes I sit down and they just fall out and other times it takes ages. I think this one came from all the young people in care that I have worked…

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Three Reasons To Garden With Your Children

Lotty is an adoptive mum, a birth mum, a horticulturist and a landscape gardener. She shares three reasons parents should get their kids outside and in the garden. #1 Putting a tiny seed into a pot, watering it and seeing it grow is a great project you can do with your little ones. Getting your hands into rich, warm soil is one…

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Christmas can be a difficult time

The Christmas season is so exciting for many children. For some children, where trauma has affected their early life experiences, it can be a particularly challenging time, as so much is unexpected and unexplained. We’ve put together some suggestions and a few ideas that might help you and your family this Christmas. Plan ahead Talk to your children and identify…

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