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Adopt London Choir Success & New Song!

1st April 2021 News

The Adopt London Choir have come together again to support the wellbeing of adoptive families and staff in this brand new video with their latest song Colour My World .

A virtual choir is a fantastic way to bring joy, and to support each other, and this song especially is full of colour and happiness.  It really has the feel good factor just in time for spring and the Easter break.  We hope you enjoy it.

We are also excited to announce that the Adopt London Choir has earned first place at the Stratford and East London Music Festival.

This is a fantastic achievement for the Adopt London Choir. They earned a score of 87 and a distinction from the Adjudicator Member of The British and International Federation of Festivals, whose Patron is Her Majesty the Queen, for their performance of Lean on Me and Merry Christmas Everyone.

The Adjudicator’s comments were both positive and encouraging. Lean on Me was described as having “a relaxed delivery and a smiley and happy performance”. The solos and duets in Merry Christmas Everyone were described as “attractively and confidently presented, and the performance was full of joy.”

Our Choirmaster Megan Tanner was ecstatic. She had such praise for her choir members, saying, “You had some awesome comments, and I am really proud of you. Especially the connection to the lyrics, I am really pleased (he) the adjudicator noted that, as I think you are superb at connection.”

The Adopt London Choir began in June 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide an uplifting experience for adoptive families. Bringing together this group of people connected through adoption has created a wonderful community at Adopt London. For many, this has become a highlight of their week.

You can join the Adopt London Choir if you are an approved adopter living in or connected to one of our 23 Adopt London boroughs. Email Megan at [email protected] to join.

Next: Adopt London Choir members meet with MP and reveal secrets

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