New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

Live Webinar to support your family during COVID-19

7th May 2020
7:45 pm — 9:00 pm
Zoom, Your Home

Adopt London brings together four regional adoption agencies providing adoption services for 23 local authorities. We work together across London to provide the best possible adoption recruitment, support and services for you and your family. We are excited to announced our first live webinar presented by Dave Tapsell, Head of Clinical Practice for Adopt London East. Dave has extensive experience of working with families and he will be supporting our adopters and their children during this challenging time by offering a webinar on ideas about how to manage the complexities of family relationships, challenging behaviours and the stress that this current situation places on us all.

What is Systemic Family Therapy?
Systemic Family Therapy (also called Family and Systemic Psychotherapy) is one of the major evidence based therapeutic approaches provided within the NHS. It refers to a range of psychological interventions for individuals, couples and families based on systemic concepts and theory. These are designed to help people make changes in their thinking, behaviour and understandings to relieve distress, improve the quality of their important relationships and make positive changes in their lives. Systemic Family Therapy recognises that different cultures and groups have different ideas of what ‘family’ means. It takes ‘family’ to describe any group of people who define themselves as such, including same-gender couples and families-of choice, as well as parents and children of all ages. It enables family members, couples and others who care about each other to express and explore difficult thoughts and emotions safely, to understand each other’s experiences and views, appreciate each other’s needs, build on strengths and make useful changes in their relationships and their lives.

Please register your interest to book your free ticket. We hope that you will join us for this event.

Best wishes from all at Adopt London.
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