New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

Adopt London South – Adoption Information Meeting ( with an Early Permanence focus)

17th September 2022
9:30 am — 11:00 am
Virtual Online Meeting

This event is the first step in your learning about adoption and the children in London needing families.  It is a presentation about the two stage adoption process and how long that will take, what is expected of you, and the support that we will give you from now until your child reaches 18 and beyond. You will also learn about the impact of adoption on the children and who we are recruiting as adopters to be able to meet their needs.

Come and meet the Adopt London South team so that we can start a conversation about your adoption journey.

Complete the registration form on the right and someone will be in touch with you about the login details for the meeting.

Register for this event


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