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Mother’s Day lock-down mayhem

14th March 2021 Blog

Sitting in the midst of lockdown mayhem where rules and regs change daily, we’ve no idea from one moment to the next what’s coming our way and yet sat in front of me my four (and a half – very important half) year old is making me mimic her reindeer impression…

She’s the utmost joker and every time I want her to stop something she shouldn’t be doing she cracks a smile, cocks her head and to all intents and purposes soldiers on.  She’s a cheeky one, confident, social; she’s just met some 7-year-old in the supermarket ‘why is your face like that, do you miss your mum?’ she asked. I could only smile and stay on the side-lines, by the time we got to the till they’d made friends and shared a bag of lollies.

Aawww – I’m writing this while she finishes her pizza lunch.  She asks – Mum after this can we have a big hug, hugs make you happy!  These are those priceless moments where their unexpected insights are reflections of their characters, and ultimately ours.

It struck me that myself and weirdly a number of single mums I’ve met through adoption are all very similar to our ‘offspring’, to the point where people would not question the children being ours by birth.  We have similar looks and traits and ultimately, they’re mini-mes.

My child never stops talking, and chats to everyone, but that’s me.  If you say hi, I’ll say hi back, yes she does take it to the next level with 101 questions, but we’re peas in a pod.  And it’s so nice to see and also hear from others…

So just saying in the midst of the current mayhem my saviour is my truly original, caring, sharing, thoughtful daughter who will continue to inspire me, drive me mad, but ultimately make me smile every moment inside and out… When she’s not looking and when she is.

She also runs like my mum, an old African woman. I chortle every time I see it!

Happy Mother’s Day indeed, and count your blessings…

Next: Which School Help – Easy as A B Let’s See!

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