New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

We Are Family

We Are Family is a peer to peer support community by adopters, for adopters. For ten years they have supported families throughout their adoption journey. Online and in person, parents’ groups, events, resources and talks offering mutual support, information and inspiration to adopters and those considering adoption.

Support for adoptive families

We Are Family believe that by coming together, sharing experience and understanding, adopters can help each other to thrive. Founded and led by adoptive parents, We Are Family reflects and responds to its members, helping them navigate the challenges and joys that adoption brings.

We Are Family partner with Adopt London to provide WAF Talks, the successful webinar programme for adoptive parents. Specialist webinars run for We Are Family members throughout the year and can be watched back at any time after the event through the Member Hub.

Membership is free and open to families from Stage One of the UK adoption process and anyone who has had a child placed or adopted (check to see which level of membership you are eligible for). To join WAF Talks live or watch any of the talks on demand, as well as to access support groups and resources please join here. If you are already a member and want to register for a talk log in here.

Resources for We Are Family members

Support for adopters on the Member Hub

The We Are Family team have gathered resources to help adoptive parents navigate both the joys and challenges of the festive season. You can read Emma Sutton’s blog post on the Challenges of the Festive Season for all the Family and Adoption UK provide advice to support parents with school-age children at school at Christmas. There is a special Adoption Shared podcast with Megan Tanner from Think NVR available to members on Discussing Strategies for Managing big feelings during Christmas and beyond. Members can find these and more by searching ‘Christmas’ on the Member Hub.

We Are Family host a range of talks for their members, inviting leading experts to share their knowledge with the adoption community. As a member you have access to a collection of on-demand webinars to watch at a time that suits you. Highlights include:

WAF Talks Special: ‘When Adoptees Become Parents: Understanding the lifelong unfolding of adoption’

In this talk, Professor Beth Neil shared insights from a study that explored the experiences of 40 adults who were adopted and later became parents, including 20 mothers and 20 fathers. Using a unique interview technique, the study allowed these individuals to reflect on their entire lives, including their adoption and parenting experiences. Many of the participants had faced challenges during childhood, including difficulties related to their adoption. However, becoming a parent often brought about positive changes, as their desire to provide a loving environment for their children became a powerful motivation. The presentation also featured personal stories from Claire, the founder of How To Be Adopted, and Daniel, both of whom discussed their journeys into parenthood and the support adoptees might need as parents.

Seven things adoptive parents need to know to help their kids and teens blossom

Speakers: Simon Benn and Jude Hung

‘Put your own oxygen mask on first.’ – The phrase we hear on planes has become a cliché because it’s totally true.

In this WAF Talks webinar Simon and Jude will share their experiences as adopted people and offer parents ways they can support their child and help them blossom.

Adoption Shared podcasts - Season 5

The fifth season of the Adoption Shared podcast focuses on adoption and education, exploring how families and schools can support adopted children in their learning journeys. Through expert tips and personal stories, the season will cover key topics like preparing for schooling, addressing special educational needs, supporting cultural identity, and creating trauma-informed environments.

These episodes offer practical insights for anyone interested in understanding the unique challenges and opportunities adoption brings to education.

Episode 1

Join host Eddie Elliott as he talks with Anthony Lynch about navigating the educational system as an adoptee. Anthony shares their personal experiences, reflecting on the challenges faced, the support that made a difference, and how their background shaped their time in school. Anthony also discuss practical advice for adoptive parents, educators, and adoptees, offering valuable insights into creating a more supportive educational experience for adopted children.

Episode 2

Eddie sits down with Julie Harmieson, Director of Education and National Strategy for Trauma Informed Schools UK, to talk about trauma-informed practices in schools, especially for adopted children. Julie shares her experience in creating classrooms that support students’ emotional and psychological needs and covers practical strategies for teachers, the challenges schools face, and the real benefits of trauma-informed approaches for all adopted students.

Adoption Shared Seasons 3 and 4

The Season 4 podcasts focus on children with additional needs, while Season 3 shares the joys and challenges of adoption in the Black community through Black Voices. Click to listen to Adoption Shared.

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