New National Adoption Week campaign inspires people to start their adoption journey – find out more.

About the children

Our children come from a range of different ethnicities and backgrounds, are all ages and each one needs a forever home.  That could be your home. Some may have special needs or disabilities; others may face challenges later in their life.  They may have had a tough start in life, but with warmth and understanding we hope they’ll be able to go on and develop the confidence to make strong relationships, and enjoy a happy childhood.

What they need

Most children who need adoptive families have been removed from their birth families by the courts because their parents and wider families were unable to provide the care they need.

The children will have suffered loss and separation in their young lives, even when adopted shortly after birth. Many have lived through experiences of neglect and abuse and subsequently develop coping mechanisms and behaviour that means they find it more difficult
to form relationships.

What the children all have in common is that they have had unsettled and sometimes traumatic experiences and need adoptive parents that can bring special qualities to their young lives.

We first met Maisy at her foster carer’s home; Marc said it was like ‘walking in slow motion’. I held back, I knew if I cradled her first, I wouldn’t let go and it felt lovely seeing Marc holding her first and giving her a bottle. They don’t tell you about the overwhelming emotion you will feel seeing your child for the first time – I know everyone is different, but for us, Marc and me, that’s how we felt.
Image of author - Liz Simon

Liz SimonAdoptive parent

The children waiting

We always need adopters for the following groups of children and will prioritise your assessment if you are willing to be considered for any of these children.

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) children

The number of children in care from black, minority ethnic and transracial backgrounds is increasing each year. We are always in desperate need of adoptive parents to give safe and loving homes to these children. If you are considering adopting an African, Caribbean, Asian or mixed ethnicity child then we really want you to speak to us first.

Sibling groups

We need adoptive parents to offer caring and stable homes for brothers and sisters. Siblings who have been through difficult experiences with their birth families have formed a strong, intense bond. Sibling groups tend, on average, to be older than single children, so any issues and diagnoses will already have been identified in the time leading up to the placement order. This means that adopters have a much clearer idea of what they’ll be dealing with, and can begin access appropriate support right from the start. When it comes to dealing with their past during life story work, older siblings are likely to help younger siblings to understand who they are and where they’ve been, developing a strong sense of identity through their shared history.

Adopting sibling groups offers many advantages in terms of emotional security, mutual support and learning, all stemming from their shared past. They will never feel ‘I’m the only one like me’, because there will be someone just down the hall or the upper bunk who is just like them, and who has been there all along. You can help keep children together by adopting siblings.

Children with challenging behaviours

Children in care may have suffered neglect, sexual or emotional abuse in the past, and every child copes differently with past traumas. We need adoptive parents who can understand demanding behaviours, and with support and training help to change the lives of these children.

Children with physical and/or learning disabilities

All children need and deserve secure and loving homes. We are looking for adopters willing to help meet the needs of children with additional requirements. With the right support and training, we aim to help every child with a disability reach their full potential.

Adoption case studies

View All case studies
2nd time adopters Choir LGBT

Conversations with Tom

Tom and his husband Dan adopted their son about 2 years ago.  Family life is busy and has its challenges, but it is also everything they hoped it would be.  They talked to us about the assessment process, matching with their son, and how they are all looking forward to welcoming another adopted child into their home, and adjusting to life as a family of four.

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Intercountry Transracial

Intercountry and transracial adoption

We spoke to Dominic about his experience of being adopted by a white British couple and brought to the UK as a baby from Thailand.  Dominic is a strong advocate for adoption; he wears his adoption ‘like a badge of honour’ and hopes that talking about it will give other children the opportunities and aspirations that they deserve. 

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