
Free books for Black families considering adoption
Adopt London are giving away Patricia Dopemu’s book – Help! I’m Adopting a Child to any Black African, Caribbean or mixed heritage family considering parenting a child via adoption. Have you ever been frustrated that the books you read are unrelated and don’t depict Black people that look and live like you? Maybe you can’t relate to them or don’t…
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Black families tell their adoption story
Watch these You Can Adopt films featuring three Black families; Azumah, who adopted her son with her husband, Jacqui, a single mum with a son who went on to adopt her foster daughter and Pearl and Errord, parents to twins boys and their adopted daughter Amara, who also talks about her experience. They tell us about their adoption journeys, and…
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A Life Less Ordinary
No child should have to wait longer than another to be adopted and yet more than 1,000 children in England are waiting significantly longer than others to find their forever homes. These children tend to be slightly older, are brothers and sisters waiting to be adopted together, have physical or educational needs, or come from ethnic minority backgrounds. In this…
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Looking back on my journey to being a dad
Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a Dad and when I came out as a gay man that did not change. My husband and I initially looked at surrogacy, but it just didn’t feel right for us. Fast forward a few years and we began our adoption journey with our local authority at the time. When we…
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Fathers of boys
Eddie is 37, Jody is 39 they adopted siblings – two brothers Samuel is now aged 5, and Jermaine is 4. It was a tough slog and took almost three years. But they agree it has been amazing and the benefits far outweigh the negatives. How was parenting during the Covid lockdown? Our children always went to nursery or school…
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5 Tips to Prepare For Adoption Panel
The role of an Adoption Panel is to assess your suitability to be an adoptive parent and to make a recommendation, based on information prepared by your social worker. You will be invited to attend the first part of the panel meeting. We believe it is important that you meet the people who will be making this important recommendation…
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Yearning For His Dad
This blog is written by one of Adopt London’s single adopters and covers an important topic. How difficult adoption-related questions come up any time, sometimes much sooner than expected, and when you may often feel quite unprepared. It contains interesting content for anyone considering adoption. My Son Michael asked me where his dad was at the age of…
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Help! I’m adopting a child
Patricia Dopemu’s story will help you understand the importance of adoption and the blessings that come from providing a loving home to a child. The day we finally brought our son home, made what seemed to be a never-ending adoption process worth every step of the way. Looking back, we realised that every aspect of the process is necessary and…
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Reflection on being a gay adoptive dad
It was at a food shop. (It’s almost always at a food shop, get ready.) My partner and son were filling a basket with reduced-price Ben & Jerry’s. I wasn’t there. “Be sure to get some for mum too”, the smiley shop assistant said. And as much as we prepare the responses they never come out as planned, because we’re…
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