New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.



An interview with Tor Docherty Chief Executive at New Family Social

Adopt London spoke with Tor Docherty, Chief Executive of New Family Social, on the eve of LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week, to talk about why more LGBTQ+ people need to rule themselves in, not out, as potential adopters. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family? I have always worked in the voluntary and charity sector in…

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Barber shop

Adopting a child of a different ethnicity raises the question of hair care. My son was adopted from Ethiopia and has jet black tight curly hair. My hair is that of a Caucasian person, straightish and dirty-blond in colour. My son’s dense, thickly wound curls, are a magnet for attracting things: sand on a beach, grass from the park, and…

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Tackling Fatherhood

I watch as all the other dads stand at the sidelines of mini-football cheering on their kids, shouting out advice – it’s all like some foreign Attenborough documentary. I know nothing about football, and nor does my male partner. But our 6-year-old son is obsessed; it’s all he talks about, giving us a play-by-play of the school lunchtime game with…

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Reflection on being a gay adoptive dad

It was at a food shop. (It’s almost always at a food shop, get ready.) My partner and son were filling a basket with reduced-price Ben & Jerry’s. I wasn’t there. “Be sure to get some for mum too”, the smiley shop assistant said. And as much as we prepare the responses they never come out as planned, because we’re…

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