
Starting Secondary School
Nothing prepared me for how big an adjustment secondary school would be for my son. I am the sole parent to a wonderful child I adopted from Ethiopia aged 20 months. My son has a bright, big beautiful smile and just wants to have fun and play. He’s very tall and looks closer to 15 years of age, than the…
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Yearning For His Dad
This blog is written by one of Adopt London’s single adopters and covers an important topic. How difficult adoption-related questions come up any time, sometimes much sooner than expected, and when you may often feel quite unprepared. It contains interesting content for anyone considering adoption. My Son Michael asked me where his dad was at the age of…
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Being Different
I’m a single adopter with one son, so one of the good things about the lock down was having quality time together. Having taken 9 months off work meant I could give my son a lot of one-to-one attention. We went for bike rides, played loads, I taught him to read & write, we cooked together, had regular film nights,…
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Mother’s Day lock-down mayhem
Sitting in the midst of lockdown mayhem where rules and regs change daily, we’ve no idea from one moment to the next what’s coming our way and yet sat in front of me my four (and a half – very important half) year old is making me mimic her reindeer impression… She’s the utmost joker and every time I want…
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I always knew I wanted to adopt
Like many Londoners, Paul* migrated from his hometown in the north to work and build a new life for himself. With a fantastic career and social life, Paul tells us how he – a black, single gay man – made his dream to be a father a reality. ‘I always knew I wanted to adopt a child, right from when…
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