
New Membership Offer from WAF
We Are Family (WAF) membership is now open to those at Stage One and beyond. WAF membership is FREE and membership is open to anyone who is going through or has been through the UK adoption process, or has adopted outside the UK and is now resident in the UK, or was previously resident in the UK and a validated…
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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast – Annual Conference 2021
Supporting the development of children’s identity through childhood and into adulthood – Friday 26 November 2021, from 9.30am – 2.30pm Scott Casson-Rennie and Al Coates MBE are back for their online Annual Conference, and Adopt London is pleased to offer 50 FREE tickets to Adopt London families. You can attend if you have children placed with you, are approved adopters, or are…
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WAF Talks webinars provide helpful support and advice
We Are Family (WAF) is an independent adoption support community that operates in and around London. Membership is free and open to adopters and approved prospective adopters. You can join here. They run peer-to-peer (i.e. parent-to-parent) events such as parent support groups, playgroups, family meet-ups, parties and socials. They also provide many opportunities to connect online, such…
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There’s so much to gain with an NATP membership
Free memberships are available with the National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP) for Adopt London adopters and Special Guardians. It’s really worthwhile, and so many parents are already feeling more supported. If you are not yet a member, it’s easy to join. You can apply for your free membership here. You must book on with each of the sessions…
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Adopt London announce new partnership with PAC-UK & Adoptionplus
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Adopt London have commissioned a bespoke therapeutic support service for adoptive families and for families caring for children under Special Guardianship Orders. This service is free and will support and benefit hundreds of families. Adoptionplus and PAC-UK are working in close partnership to provide this therapeutic support to families struggling with the…
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The Big Wind by NATP
Here is a really insightful and realistic message to parents who are living through the COVID19 restrictions and isolation period with their adopted or special guardianship children. It gives us all permission to acknowledge our own vulnerability during these very unusual times. This message is written by The National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP). Adopt London and NATP are…
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Free membership to NATP for Adopt London families during COVID19
The National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP) and Adopt London are working together to support adoptive families during COVID19. We are pleased to announce you are invited to join this organisation for free, please see all the information below and the code you need to quote to activate this membership. Who are NATP? The NATP was founded in 2017 by…
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Mum Beverley in COVID-19 lock down
In this blog we hear from a single mother Beverley*, in ‘lock down’ with her 4 year old, trying not to go stir crazy, trying to keep her daughter off of the iPad and away from the TV for hours on end, realistic that teaching isn’t for the majority! Hoping that some work might come in to keep her…
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Coronavirus, a book for children from Nosy Crow
With the current Government guidelines to stay at home, it can be tricky to explain this to some adopted children – who may already be anxious and confused by the new rules and routine. So we’ve picked up a new information book especially for children aged 5 – 9 years old, from publishers Nosy Crow. Written by staff within…
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Useful websites for online learning
Hello! Our Virtual School have compiled a list of the best websites that offer FREE learning resources, ideas, activities, lessons and more, for you to use at home. Click here for your free Online Education Guide for children All age groups and most curriculum areas are covered. Some websites may require you to create a username and password to…
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How to talk to your child about COVID 19
The current messaging around the Coronavirus (Covid 19) can be worrying for children. It’s OK for them to be curious and concerned about family and friends, and we can support them as best we can. We’ve listed a range of advice for children and young people of all ages that we think could be helpful in explaining the virus and…
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A mother’s story
‘She’s not my real mum, you know’ It was said so casually – a matter-of-fact statement that temporarily stopped the room. It was just me and my youngest daughter visiting my mum; the eldest and her dad having stayed in London. This was our first visit to nanny’s without them – I’d made the most of enjoying…
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