New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.



There’s no such thing as a ‘normal’ family.

New data released this National Adoption Week shows there has been a 22 per cent increase in the number of children with a plan for adoption not yet matched with an adoptive family in England in 2023-4, compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, the numbers of prospective adopters coming forward remains lower than previous years, believed to be largely due…

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LGBTQ+ adopters nominate four Adopt London social workers for commendation.

This summer (2023) New Family Social asked their LGBTQ+ adopter members which social workers deserved to receive a members’ commendation – to show that they’d gone above and beyond in their work. Four social workers from Adopt London received a members’ commendation. In Adopt London West, Ramona Proti and Deepti Walia received a members’ commendation. Ramona was described by one members…

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“Did it fulfil all of our dreams? Of course it did!”

Tim and Raveen adopted their son through Early Permanence. Raveen explains what the process was like for them. “We were talking about having children for a while and exploring our options as a same sex couple. We looked at surrogacy and what that would involve and then the same at adoption, and after we were more drawn to adoption. That’s…

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An interview with Tor Docherty Chief Executive at New Family Social

Adopt London spoke with Tor Docherty, Chief Executive of New Family Social, on the eve of LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week, to talk about why more LGBTQ+ people need to rule themselves in, not out, as potential adopters. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family? I have always worked in the voluntary and charity sector in…

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