Five facts about LGBTQ+ adoption in the UK
One in six adoptions in the UK are by same-sex couples, yet there are still many myths and concerns within the community about who can adopt, what is required to be able to adopt and how people will be treated. It seems strange that the first same-sex adoptions were only made legal 18 years ago in 2005. It was so…
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Looking back on my journey to being a dad
Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a Dad and when I came out as a gay man that did not change. My husband and I initially looked at surrogacy, but it just didn’t feel right for us. Fast forward a few years and we began our adoption journey with our local authority at the time. When we…
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Social Worker receives the New Family Social ‘2021 Making a Difference Social Worker’ Award.
UK’s LGBTQ+ adopters and foster carers nominate Tesni Toulliou from Adopt London South for the ‘2021 Making a Difference Social Worker Award’. Following public nominations and a judging panel New Family Social, the UK’s charity for LGBTQ+ adopters and foster carers received some 130 nominations and testimonials for agencies and social workers, from LGBTQ+ people at different stages of the…
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Tackling Fatherhood
I watch as all the other dads stand at the sidelines of mini-football cheering on their kids, shouting out advice – it’s all like some foreign Attenborough documentary. I know nothing about football, and nor does my male partner. But our 6-year-old son is obsessed; it’s all he talks about, giving us a play-by-play of the school lunchtime game with…
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Fathers of boys
Eddie is 37, Jody is 39 they adopted siblings – two brothers Samuel is now aged 5, and Jermaine is 4. It was a tough slog and took almost three years. But they agree it has been amazing and the benefits far outweigh the negatives. How was parenting during the Covid lockdown? Our children always went to nursery or school…
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Reflection on being a gay adoptive dad
It was at a food shop. (It’s almost always at a food shop, get ready.) My partner and son were filling a basket with reduced-price Ben & Jerry’s. I wasn’t there. “Be sure to get some for mum too”, the smiley shop assistant said. And as much as we prepare the responses they never come out as planned, because we’re…
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I always knew I wanted to adopt
Like many Londoners, Paul* migrated from his hometown in the north to work and build a new life for himself. With a fantastic career and social life, Paul tells us how he – a black, single gay man – made his dream to be a father a reality. ‘I always knew I wanted to adopt a child, right from when…
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We have a little boy who we are incredibly proud of
Steven and Jason* had always wanted to adopt, living in a one bedroom flat, they knew things needed to change – and after one adoption information evening they were hooked and almost overnight, their flat was up for sale and they started looking at three-bedroom family houses! Between them, Steven and Jason tell their story. “We were really motivated to start the…
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