Could you adopt?

Early Permanence carers needed across London
We need adoptive parents who can take on the responsibility of becoming foster carers to a child, with the chance of going on to adopt them later, if the court decides that child should be adopted. Early Permanence (EP) is an umbrella term for a type of care planning which helps a child who needs be removed from their family…
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Why adopting a neurodivergent child is a transformative journey for YOU!
Embracing Neurodiversity by bestselling author Chloe Hayden. Chloé Hayden is an award winning motivational speaker, actor, performer, author, influencer, content creator and disability rights activist and advocate. Diagnosed as autistic (and ADHD) at the age of thirteen and feeling ostracised from society, Chloe started an anonymous blog to share her feelings and to find a community and ended up building…
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Our Children – Writing the Poem
Adopt London have asked me how I wrote the poem for the animation ‘Our Children’. I’m never quite sure where my poems come from when I write them. Sometimes I sit down and they just fall out and other times it takes ages. I think this one came from all the young people in care that I have worked…
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