New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.



The Importance of Openness in Adoption

Sarah Johal, Adoption England Strategic Lead, shares her views on why it is important for the sector to help adopted people know more about their family history and stay in touch with birth family members or other important relationships, where safe and supported to do so. Sarah has decades of first-hand experience working within the sector, after previously leading the…

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“Did it fulfil all of our dreams? Of course it did!”

Tim and Raveen adopted their son through Early Permanence. Raveen explains what the process was like for them. “We were talking about having children for a while and exploring our options as a same sex couple. We looked at surrogacy and what that would involve and then the same at adoption, and after we were more drawn to adoption. That’s…

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Why is family contact important in adoption?

“Contact, where safe, appropriate and properly managed, can be valuable for an adoptive child, their new family and their birth family, including siblings and other relatives.” Children and Families Act 2014: A failure of implementation. Dec 2022 Your child may have strong memories and feelings about their family and past, and your child may be curious about their birth family.

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A mother’s story

‘She’s not my real mum, you know’   It was said so casually – a matter-of-fact statement that temporarily stopped the room. It was just me and my youngest daughter visiting my mum; the eldest and her dad having stayed in London. This was our first visit to nanny’s without them – I’d made the most of enjoying…

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