New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.



Free books for Black families considering adoption

Adopt London are giving away Patricia Dopemu’s book – Help! I’m Adopting a Child to any Black African, Caribbean or mixed heritage family considering parenting a child via adoption. Have you ever been frustrated that the books you read are unrelated and don’t depict Black people that look and live like you? Maybe you can’t relate to them or don’t…

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Help! I’m adopting a child

Patricia Dopemu’s story will help you understand the importance of adoption and the blessings that come from providing a loving home to a child. The day we finally brought our son home, made what seemed to be a never-ending adoption process worth every step of the way. Looking back, we realised that every aspect of the process is necessary and…

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Mother’s Day lock-down mayhem

Sitting in the midst of lockdown mayhem where rules and regs change daily, we’ve no idea from one moment to the next what’s coming our way and yet sat in front of me my four (and a half – very important half) year old is making me mimic her reindeer impression… She’s the utmost joker and every time I want…

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I always knew I wanted to adopt

Like many Londoners, Paul* migrated from his hometown in the north to work and build a new life for himself. With a fantastic career and social life, Paul tells us how he – a black, single gay man – made his dream to be a father a reality. ‘I always knew I wanted to adopt a child, right from when…

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A letter to Adopt London families

We are writing to you- adoptive families, prospective adopters and adopted adults, because we want to find a way to acknowledge the massive significance of the death of George Floyd in our society, and the heartache and anger caused. We are sure that this and the protests which have resulted have been forefront in most of our minds over the…

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