New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.



Our Children – Writing the Poem

Adopt London have asked me how I wrote the poem for the animation ‘Our Children’.  I’m never quite sure where my poems come from when I write them. Sometimes I sit down and they just fall out and other times it takes ages. I think this one came from all the young people in care that I have worked…

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Poem by birth mother Margaret Yates.

This is a poem written by Margaret Yates who is a Birth Mother from South London who was reunited with her adopted son, David, in December 2017, after 47 years. You can read Margaret’s 1971 adoption story here. Adoption is a lifelong experience. Our Child, Our Child whom we held within us, close to our heart, for…

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Three Reasons To Garden With Your Children

Lotty is an adoptive mum, a birth mum, a horticulturist and a landscape gardener. She shares three reasons parents should get their kids outside and in the garden. #1 Putting a tiny seed into a pot, watering it and seeing it grow is a great project you can do with your little ones. Getting your hands into rich, warm soil is one…

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5 Tips to Prepare For Adoption Panel

  The role of an Adoption Panel is to assess your suitability to be an adoptive parent and to make a recommendation, based on information prepared by your social worker. You will be invited to attend the first part of the panel meeting. We believe it is important that you meet the people who will be making this important recommendation…

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Yearning For His Dad

This blog is written by one of Adopt London’s single adopters and covers an important topic.  How difficult adoption-related questions come up any time,  sometimes much sooner than expected, and when you may often feel quite unprepared. It contains interesting content for anyone considering adoption. My Son Michael asked me where his dad was at the age of…

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Being Different

I’m a single adopter with one son, so one of the good things about the lock down was having quality time together. Having taken 9 months off work meant I could give my son a lot of one-to-one attention. We went for bike rides, played loads, I taught him to read & write, we cooked together, had regular film nights,…

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Which School Help – Easy as A B Let’s See!

Parenting comes with no guidebooks, often advice but who knows which bits work for who; in the end, the buck stops at your door and you make decisions on your own experiences and for your child’s personality and benefit. But with schools – where do you start? For many, it starts with toddlers at nursery age.  There are a ton of…

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