We Are Family is 10 years old

28th November 2023 News

We Are Family is an independent peer support community for adoptive parents, and this year marks their 10th anniversary of providing digital and in-person support to adopters and prospective adopters.

We Are Family membership is free to amongst others, all Adopt London families and removing barriers to accessing resources is at the heart of their ethos. However, they must also raise vital funds so they can continue their work into the next decade. With this in mind and to celebrate their anniversary, We Are Family is inviting you to attend two new WAF Talks Anniversary Specials open to WAF members and non-members. Each session focuses on an important and relevant topic – one on education and the other on supporting neuro-diverse children.

Access to these talks is on a ‘Donate What You Can’ basis, asking that if you can afford to donate, please do so via the We Are Family Big Give Christmas Campaign between Tuesday 28th November and Tuesday 5th December. During this time, your donation will be doubled at no extra cost to you! Scroll down to find out more …

Donate What You Can – WAF Talks Special: The Call for Trauma Informed Schools with guest speaker, Adele Bates. Pre-recorded and available to view between 28 November and 5 December 2023.

Adele Bates is a behaviour and education specialist, international keynote speaker and author. Adele empowers school leaders and teachers to support pupils with behavioural needs and for children and young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH) to help them thrive in their education.

This bespoke, recorded talk will be of value to parents, friends, family, and professionals to help with navigating the education system and help your adopted child(ren). The link to this talk will be emailed to you on Tuesday 28th November and will be available to watch until Tuesday 5th December. To register (and donate – if you can) visit WAF Talks Anniversary Special with Adele.


Donate What You Can – WAF Talks Special – How Friends and Family Can Support the Parents of Differently Wired Children with guest speaker Zach Gomm. Live session on Saturday 2 December, 10 – 11:30am

We Are Family is delighted to host a WAF Talks special for WAF members and non-members featuring Zach Gomm, an adoptive parent and foster carer. Zach is a certified instructor of The Great Behaviour Breakdown, and is trained in Theraplay and Mindfulness. This interactive, live online talk will be of value to parents, friends, family, and professionals who may have a child or young person in their life affected by trauma and/or with neuro-divergent or challenging behaviours. To register (and donate – if you can) visit WAF Talks Anniversary Special with Zach.

Next: A Life Less Ordinary

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