New National Adoption Week campaign inspires people to start their adoption journey – find out more.

LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week 2024

4th March 2024 News

LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week is taking place 4-10 March 2024. Organised by New Family Social, the theme this year is ‘Different Together’ and encourages more people from the LGBTQ+ community to consider adopting or fostering.

The campaign is a time to recognise and celebrate the many LGBTQ+ people who have already adopted or fostered, but it is also about raising awareness and reaching out to the community.

In England in 2023 there were 83,400 looked-after children and during that time one in five adoptions were by same-sex couples.

Children from the Global Majority (defined as Black, Asian, mixed, and other ethnic groups) often wait the longest to be adopted. As a London agency, our children reflect a diverse range of backgrounds and we always welcome people from the LGBTQ+ community to come forward from those same backgrounds, who can positively promote the child’s identity, ethnicity and culture.

As part of our commitment to our LGBTQ+ adopters, Adopt London offers free membership to New Family Social to ensure that they everyone can fully benefit from the vast range of support and information they have to offer.



New Family Social is the UK’s peer-support charity for LGBTQ+ adopters, foster carers and special guardians.  Offering a vast range of events, training, resources including podcasts and support, New Family Social is the only charity in the UK specifically for the LGBTQ+ adopters and foster carers. You can find out more about New Family Social on their website.

Next: Black Adoption Project Launch

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