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Adopt London Choir sing on BBC Radio London

19th December 2023 News

What a wonderful morning over at the BBC Radio London studios in central London with Megan Tanner, Choir MD and 10 adoptive parents representing the Adopt London Choir on Tuesday 19 December.

As part of Salma El-Wardany’s radio Breakfast Show, a choir sings at the end of each daily broadcast in the run up to Christmas. Normally meeting online, this was a perfect opportunity for the Adopt London Choir to sing live together – in the same room at the same time!

The buzz of attending a live recording of the show was great fun, and a chance to share with listeners around London and beyond – with BBC Sounds – the power of this very unique support group for adoptive parents and Adopt London staff in London. The Choir members dressed in matching T-shirts and festive accessories sang Winter Wonderland; upbeat and festive just like our singers who were delighted to represent all the Choir members this morning. To listen to the show, visit BBC Sounds to sign in.

Thinking about joining the Adopt London Choir?

If you are an approved adoptive parent living in or are connected to one of the 24 Adopt London boroughs, you can join the Choir by emailing Megan at [email protected] for more information.

About the choir

Formed during the 2020 Covid lockdown, the Adopt London Choir have been and still is a lifeline for choir members. During the hour-long evening sessions members learn new songs and rehearse their favourites. Friendships are made and there is always an opportunity to share good news and a problem when needed with advice and support from Megan Tanner – Adopt London Choir Lead and other adoptive parents. Singing together as a choir can lift spirits and boost well-being.

Megan has been onboard from the start of this virtual choir’s journey, providing a fun and supportive environment often reflecting on her own experiences as a foster carer and trainer specialising in non-violent resistance (NVR) parenting, aiming for ‘Connection before Correction’ for the young people in her care. Megan is also a charity founder. For more information about the Choir and their videos, please visit the Adopt London YouTube channel to see a selection of videos from the group.

Next: LGBTQ+ adopters nominate four Adopt London social workers for commendation.

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