Question and Answer Session via Zoom

If you are thinking about adoption you will have many questions ranging from the broader questions that will relate to adoption in general as well as those that are more directly related to your personal situation.
Do join us for this session where you can put your questions to the recruitment team. You can drop in and out rather than stay for the whole time and you can send your questions in in advance or ask in person on the day.
Email [email protected] to register for the session.
Other upcoming events
See all eventsMeet The Adopters with Adopt London North
Join this interactive session with other people thinking about adoption and have your questions answered by adoptive parents.
Adopt London South – Adoption Information Meeting
Come and meet the Adopt London South team and learn more about adoption, the children needing families and what it could mean to you.
Adopt London North Virtual Information Session
Come and join the Adopt London North team and find out more about adopting a child. We'll answer your questions in the session.
Adopt London South – Meet The Adopters
If you want to find out what Early Permanence is really like - ask our adopters. This is a great opportunity to learn about adoption from the experts - the adopters themselves.