New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

Meet The Adopter Event – Wimbledon

14th November 2019
7:00 pm — 9:00 pm
Wimbledon Library; 35 Wimbledon Hill Rd, SW19 7NB

This is a great opportunity to learn about being an adopter from the people who have already done it.  We have a panel of adopters coming along to talk to you about their life as parents – a topic that they can talk a lot about!

We have a number of adopters from different backgrounds who have all had different experiences – good and bad.  They parent single children or siblings groups.  They speak openly and honestly about their experiences working with social workers through out the assessment period as well as what it is like parenting their children.  You will hear about how they were matched with their child,  contact with birth families and the reality or parenting.

Come along to this informal session where we invite you to ask questions to create an interactive event.


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