New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

FULLY BOOKED: Adoption Information Meeting – Via Zoom

16th May 2020
10:00 am — 12:00 pm
Your Home

Apologies but this meeting is now fully booked.  More meetings for June and beyond will be advertised later this week so keep checking.

Please come and join in our online Zoom event where a social worker and recruitment officer will talk you through the adoption assessment process, give advice about preparing for adoption and what the next steps are in this period of restrictions due to the Coronavirus.  You will also hear about the London children waiting for families and who we are recruiting now.  For anyone considering Early Permanence, there will be information about this in the meeting too.

So, come and meet the Adopt London South team, find out if you could parent one of the children needing a family and start a conversation about your adoption journey with us today. Email us at [email protected] to register.

Register for this event


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