Adopt London West Virtual Information Session

The Adopt London West team is delighted to invite you to this virtual meeting to find out more about the adoption assessment process, the children waiting for families and what we need you to do to prepare for adoption.
Book here and we will send you the login details.
We look forward to meeting you.
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Come and meet some of the Adopt London South team and learn more about the adoption assessment process, the children needing families, the support available and find out if adoption could be right for you.
Adopt London North Virtual Information Session
Come and join the Adopt London North team and find out more about adopting a child. We'll answer your questions in the session.
Adopt London West – Adoption Information Session
Come and join our friendly session to learn more about adoption and to ask any questions.
Adopt London South – Meet The Adopters
If you want to find out what adoption is really like - ask our adopters. This is a great opportunity to learn about adoption from the experts - the adopters themselves.
Meet The Adopters with Adopt London North
Join this interactive session with other people thinking about adoption and have your questions answered by adoptive parents.