Sarah’s sibling story
In 2017, Sarah a single adopter, became the parent of two children – Christopher, aged 9 and Grace, aged 8.
“From the beginning I knew that I wanted to adopt siblings. I have a very close relationship with my brother and always thought I would have more than one child. Some of my friends tried to discourage me, saying that it would be too much for one person or that I wouldn’t be able to provide each child with the support they needed. However, the social work team were very supportive and in 2014 I was approved for two children aged 2 to 7 years old.

I knew as a single adopter looking for siblings, that my options would be more limited, and the reality of waiting to be matched was the hardest thing that I have ever had to go through. After getting close to finding a match a couple of times, I was then approached about Christopher and Grace. I was still thinking of the children I had just lost out on and they were older than I had imagined myself adopting. Their story was both heart breaking and upsetting, yet their personalities and resilience shone through, so I agreed to consider them.
In 2017, I met my children for the first time and they moved in with me a couple of weeks later. The first six months were a roller coaster, but all of the lows have been completely overshadowed by the amazing highs.
To be honest, if you adopt siblings there will be challenges ahead, but nothing can equal the amazing joy that you will feel the first time your children feel safe enough to snuggle up with you to watch a movie or call you Mum or Dad. Nothing can beat the pride you will feel as you watch them grow and blossom under your care. But most of all, nothing can beat the feeling of knowing, as you watch your children laugh and play together, that you are the reason that they are still together.”