New National Adoption Week campaign inspires people to start their adoption journey – find out more.

Fran’s Story

As part of the #YouCanAdopt campaign, Fran shares her adoption story. Fran is a single adopter of Jamaican and West African heritage who is the proud parent of a daughter who like herself, is of dual heritage, her daughter is of Somalian Kenyan heritage. Fran would like to expand her family by possibly adopting again in the future, giving her daughter a brother or sister.

Fran initially became a foster carer to her now daughter when she was 14 months, they formed such a strong attachment that Fran decided to progress with adoption.

Talking about the process, Fran says: “Although adoption is rightly a detailed process, what’s important to consider is that there is a lot of support out there. It’s also crucial to remember that the questions you are asked, and the information you are asked to part with is to ensure that ultimately you are placed with the child that will be the best fit for you and your circumstances.”

Talking about adoption from the perspective of a single mother, Fran says: “We often see adoption as a route for affluent couples who can’t have children but we need to realise that this is also a great and positive option for single adopters.”

Reflecting on views regarding adoption in the black community, Fran says: “There is a misconception that there aren’t many black children that need adoptive homes because people assume that informal adoptions take place, however, this is not always the case – and that’s why it’s so important that more people from the black community take the steps towards adoption if it’s something they’re thinking about.”

“To anyone in the black community considering adopting I would say absolutely go for it. There are children out there who need support and love and you can add so much value and make a difference to their lives. Your situation – if you are single, married or older for example – won’t matter, if you can provide a loving and nurturing home, I’d say go for it.”

“I see my daughter as a child born out of my heart, we always talk about my daughter’s birth family as this is part of her identity. She is now 8 years old and I help to preserve her identity by visiting the countries we originate from, eating cultural foods and discussing our history.”

“The best thing about adopting is knowing that you’ve made a constructive change to someone’s life and that they have done the same for you. My daughter has made my parents grandparents, my brother an uncle and my friends Godparents. I’m honoured to be her mum, she is such a blessing.”

Next: Carol’s Story

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