Am I ready to adopt?
Your home
Your family
Your skills
Your health
Your finances
We want to help you get you ready to adopt. You can give our children a second chance to receive the love and nurture they need to thrive.
The answers you provide will only be used to form your personalised adoption action plan and will not be stored by Adopt London.
The Am I Ready to Adopt Tool will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Your home
Your family
Your skills
Your health
Your finances
The majority of our children waiting to be adopted are over one year old and a significant number of these children are part of a sibling group. Our children reflect London’s rich diversity, but we especially need adopters from Black African and Caribbean heritage, and adopters able to care for children with additional needs.
Watch our short film to find out more about our children.
Your home
This section helps you to get your home and life ready for adoption.
Have you been a UK resident for at least one year?
Do you live in London or the neighbouring counties?
Do you have a spare bedroom?
Your family
This section will help you get the people in your household ready for adoption.
Do you have children?
Have you been affected by either a miscarriage or unsuccessful fertility treatment?
Do you or anyone else living in your household have any criminal convictions?
Do you have a family pet?
Your skills
This section will help identify the skills you already have, and those you need to get ready to adopt.
Do you have any recent childcare experience? This could be in a professional or personal capacity and could be formal or informal.
Have you spoken to anyone who has adopted a child, or has first-hand experience of adoption?
Do you have family and friends who can support you throughout your adoption journey?
Your health
This section is about the role your health plays in the adoption assessment process.
Are you in good health?
Do you or anyone living in your household smoke or vape?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or are you registered disabled?
Your finances
This section will help you get your finances ready and prepare you for the cost of raising and supporting an adopted child in your family home.
Have you considered how adopting a child will affect your finances?
Have you recently experienced or are you planning any major life events? Changes to your living situation, work, relationship or a bereavement are some examples of major life events.
Thank you for completing the tool.
Would you like us to send you a personalised adoption plan, and the Am I Ready to Adopt handbook that will help you to become the best adoptive parent for our London children?
We hope you found the Am I Ready to Adopt tool useful.
Please read the Am I Ready to Adopt Handbook for more detailed information on all these questions, and consider what preparation you might need to make.
Do you want to speak to someone?
Let us help you to find the advice you need