New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

Am I ready to adopt?


  • Your home

  • Your family

  • Your skills

  • Your health

  • Your finances

We want to help you get you ready to adopt. You can give our children a second chance to receive the love and nurture they need to thrive.

The answers you provide will only be used to form your personalised adoption action plan and will not be stored by Adopt London.

The Am I Ready to Adopt Tool will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

  • Your home

  • Your family

  • Your skills

  • Your health

  • Your finances

The majority of our children waiting to be adopted are over one year old and a significant number of these children are part of a sibling group. Our children reflect London’s rich diversity, but we especially need adopters from Black African and Caribbean heritage, and adopters able to care for children with additional needs.

Watch our short film to find out more about our children.



Your home

This section helps you to get your home and life ready for adoption.

Have you been a UK resident for at least one year?

It is a legal requirement that you and/or your partner if you have one, must have lived in the UK for at least 12 months, have leave to remain, and have a permanent home here. Your permanent home should be where you live most of the time. If your residence status is unclear you may need to take legal advice. Please discuss any concerns you may have with us.

You and/or your partner if you have one, will need to have lived in the UK for a least one year and have evidence to support this. You need to have leave to remain in the UK and have a permanent home here. A permanent home means you live there most of the time. You can rent or own it, but you will not be taken on for an assessment if you live in a flat share or temporary accommodation. If your residence status is unclear you may need to take legal advice. Please discuss any concerns you may have with us.

Do you live in London or the neighbouring counties?

Great! You need to live within a reasonable traveling distance of an Adopt London office, as you will be close to our adoption teams who will access and support you. You will also be close to your local adoption community. They can form part of your support network throughout your adoption journey and beyond.

Being with a local agency is more beneficial as you will be closer to our adoption team who will need to visit you for an adoption assessment and to provide support when your child is placed. It is possible to adopt with us, even if you don’t live in London or the neighbouring counties, however, you will need to live within a reasonable traveling distance of an Adopt London office.

Do you have a spare bedroom?

Great! It’s important for your child to have their own space to settle into, allowing them to grow and develop in their new home. We can be flexible in some circumstances. For example, if you are adopting siblings, it is possible for them to share a room, if appropriate.

It’s important for your child to have their own space to settle into, allowing them to grow and develop in their new home. If you are considering Early Permanence (EP), the baby can share a room with you up until they are two years old. You will need a clear plan of how you will provide a bedroom for your child once they turn two. Early Permanence is the option to care for a baby whilst the Court decides about their future. You can read more about Early Permanence in the Am I Ready to Adopt handbook.

Please be aware, we are not able to help you to access accommodation with a spare bedroom. If your circumstances change please contact us to discuss.


Your family

This section will help you get the people in your household ready for adoption.

Do you have children?

Having parenting experience is invaluable when adopting a child. To ensure your existing children are not affected by the introduction of a new child into the home, the adopted child should always be the youngest in the household, with a minimum two-year age gap. We will work closely with you and your children during the adoption process to make sure that a match works for everyone.

We will prepare and support you to welcome a child into your home as you start your family. You don’t need to be a parent to adopt, but having experience of being around, supporting, and looking after children is essential. Start to look at ways you can gain more experience in this area to help to prepare you for parenthood.

Have you been affected by either a miscarriage or unsuccessful fertility treatment?

It is important for families to take time out after a miscarriage or unsuccessful fertility treatment. We understand that everyone recovers differently. Before you start the adoption assessment, you will need to take time to process your emotions of loss and grief.

Adoption is a great way to start or add to your family. You may be in a relationship whereby a pregnancy is a possibility. Becoming pregnant during your assessment will affect your chances of a successful adoption. Your social worker will talk to you about the use of contraception in more detail.

Do you or anyone else living in your household have any criminal convictions?

Thank you for being honest with us. Lots of people have made mistakes in the past. It is important that we have an open dialogue from the start. Not all offences will prevent you from adopting, however, any offences against children or vulnerable adults will automatically rule you out. Please discuss with us first before you rule yourself out.


As part of the assessment process, you and all the adults living in your household will need to undergo a number of checks including a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Do you have a family pet?

Your pets will be considered as part of your assessment to ensure you can safely welcome a child into your home. Having a family pet can be a great advantage to help with bonding for some children. You will also need to consider how your pet will adjust to having a child in the home.

If you are thinking of getting a pet in the future, you’ll need to consider the impact and well-being of the child you adopt. Talk to us about the implications.


Your skills

This section will help identify the skills you already have, and those you need to get ready to adopt.

Do you have any recent childcare experience? This could be in a professional or personal capacity and could be formal or informal.

Great! We recommend that all prospective adopters have at least six months of childcare experience, gained within the last two years. This will most likely need to include children outside your family and friends network. You may have volunteered to get experience with a local kid’s club, primary school, or a children’s charity in your local community. This will help prepare you for the range of children of different backgrounds who need adoption. You will have to discuss this experience in your initial interview and assessment.

We recommend that all prospective adopters have at least six months of recent childcare experience. You can look for opportunities to gain some childcare experience. For example, volunteering with a local kid’s club, primary school, or a children’s charity. This will help prepare you for the range of children of different backgrounds who need adoption.

Have you spoken to anyone who has adopted a child, or has first-hand experience of adoption?

Great! You will need to start the adoption assessment process with a good understanding of the impact adoption can have on children and adoptive families. Learning about the experience of adoptees, adopters, and birth parents provides the opportunity to gain insight into their unique adoption journeys and gain experience to draw on.

You will need to start the adoption assessment process with a good understanding of adoption’s impact. Learning about the experience of adoptees, adopters, and birth parents provides the opportunity to gain insight into their unique adoption journeys and gain experience to draw on.

Do you have family and friends who can support you throughout your adoption journey?

Great! We will work with you to help your support network to understand adoption. Every parent needs a helping hand, and your support network will be really important.

It is important that you have someone to support you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. This could be made up of family, friends, colleagues, faith groups, and any communities you are part of. Having people around to lean on will help support you throughout the assessment and beyond. You could consider joining adoption charities like New Family Social, We Are Family, and Adoption UK



Your health

This section is about the role your health plays in the adoption assessment process.

Are you in good health?

As part of the adoption assessment process, all prospective adopters will undergo a medical assessment with their GP. Most medical and health conditions will not impact your ability to adopt, but it is important that you can consistently meet the needs of a child throughout their childhood. You will need to let us know about any changes to your health during your assessment.

Come and talk to us as most medical and health conditions will not impact your ability to adopt. You will need to let us know of any changes to your health, as it is important that you can consistently meet the needs of a child throughout their childhood.

Do you or anyone living in your household smoke or vape?

Government advice states that passive smoking can damage children’s health. On this advice, we will only assess non-smokers and prospective parents (including those living in the household) who have not smoked for six months or more.

Vaping can also present some risks that need to be considered and discussed with a social worker. This is in the best interests of the child’s health and well-being.

Great! This is in the best interests of the child’s health and well-being.  Government advice states that passive smoking is dangerous, especially for children. Therefore, we will only assess non-smokers for children under five years old.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or are you registered disabled?

Having a disability will not prevent you from adopting a child. Our focus is on your ability to consistently meet the needs of your child throughout their childhood.

Our focus is on your ability to consistently meet the needs of your child throughout their childhood.


Your finances

This section will help you get your finances ready and prepare you for the cost of raising and supporting an adopted child in your family home.

Have you considered how adopting a child will affect your finances?

Great! During the assessment, we will discuss the impact of raising a child on your finances. We will help you to consider all the issues you may need to think about as a parent. These include reduced household income during your adoption leave, flexible working, managing when self-employed, and support available in line with your child’s needs.

It is essential to have sufficient time at home with your child when they come to live with you. This will help you bond as a family and settle the child into your home. If you are matched with a child whilst you are employed, you may be entitled to Adoption Leave. We advise checking with your employer to see what your options are and what you are entitled to. Would you be able to take extra time off, or work flexibly if the child needed you at home? It is important to consider how you will manage your finances during this time.

Have you recently experienced or are you planning any major life events? Changes to your living situation, work, relationship or a bereavement are some examples of major life events.

We recommend that you express your interest to adopt once your life is settled, and you can commit to the adoption assessment. Having a settled lifestyle before you start the adoption process, means when a child joins your family, they will have the stability, security, and space to thrive.

Great! We know committing to the process during a settled period in your life allows you to focus fully on adoption. We know that life doesn’t always go according to plan, and we will work with you during the assessment and consider any unforeseen circumstances.

Thank you for completing the tool.

Would you like us to send you a personalised adoption plan, and the Am I Ready to Adopt handbook that will help you to become the best adoptive parent for our London children?

*We will only use your name and email for the purposes of sending the personalised adoption action plan and handbook to you. Adopt London will not retain any of your data provided in this tool.

We hope you found the Am I Ready to Adopt tool helpful. Following the advice provided will prepare you for an adoption assessment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.



We hope you found the Am I Ready to Adopt tool useful.

Please read the Am I Ready to Adopt Handbook for more detailed information on all these questions, and consider what preparation you might need to make.

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