New Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund Applications on hold pending government decision.

An adoptive family for Nathan … new beginnings

Nathan* is three years old, and he needs an adoptive family to love, care and support him. He loves his cuddles, he’s a fun little boy who enjoys playtime and being outdoors. Nathan’s Autism diagnosis means he’ll need a family – a single person or a couple – to provide a nurturing and consistent home life.

mixed race boy with teddy
Model photograph used


Could you adopt Nathan?

Adopting a child is life-changing – for you and the child you adopt! It can be challenging too. Children who need adoption, like Nathan, have had a difficult start, and will have experienced loss – even though Nathan has never lived with his birth family. Being Nathan’s adoptive parent(s) would be rewarding, as you’ll support him to understand his early life, and give him the confidence and a sense of his cultural identity as he grows. You’ll be Nathan’s best supporter and advocate to get him the support he needs for his health and education. With your care, Nathan can grow up in a loving, supportive home.

Financial and therapeutic support

We understand raising a child on the Autistic spectrum will have challenges along the way, and Adopt London North is committed to Nathan and you. The Adoption Support Fund can help with any therapeutic support Nathan will need, and we’ll work with your local Children’s Disability Team to assist you. Nathan will receive speech and language therapy. A weekly financial package (means tested and regularly reviewed) will be available if you need it.

Living with Nathan

We spoke to Jacqui*, Nathan’s foster carer, as she reflects on caring for Nathan. They have had a close relationship from the day one.

‘On my first visit to the anti-natal ward, the nurse said, ‘this is Nathan’, and I said ‘Wow! Look at all that hair!’ He cracked a little smile at the sound of my voice, and that was it – we were off to a great start!

Nathan needed extra care in hospital to monitor the impact of his early life and after some expert medical support, I brought him home. I’ve been a foster carer for 12 years – I have the pleasure of caring and giving love to children at such an early stage in their lives. I am responsible for helping children move to their new adoptive family. It is a really special time in their lives.

Nathan has a great routine – he wakes at 7am every morning! Nathan is non-verbal. I noticed he wasn’t saying words or babbling – sometimes he’d say, ‘Mama’. This hasn’t been an issue for me. I know if he wants something, he will take my hand and guide me to what he wants. I talk to him all the time, and he listens.

Most days we’ll have a relaxed morning; I wash and dress Nathan and he’ll watch Fireman Sam and Peppa Pig – one of the new TV shows he likes to watch together with my granddaughter when she stays with us. Nathan gets on well with her and other children. Sometimes he just likes to do his own thing – he’s independent – he’ll bring you into his world when he’s ready. He’ll check out new people, look for reassurance, and once he gets familiar, he’s fine and then he’s back to playing, watching TV or his Scratch and Play screen.

After lunch and his nap, we’ll go out to the park. He just loves being outdoors with the freedom to run and climb just like any other three year old. Nathan likes to be busy and active. He loves attention and wants to interact with you. He’s come such a long way and tries so hard when learning new things. He’s got a lot going for him.

Nathan’s Autism diagnosis means he has regular health care and professional appointments and I monitor his development. His speech is delayed, and he has recently started at a new specialist nursery.

Sometimes Nathan just wants to spend time on his own or gets frustrated over something. He’ll cry, scream, and throw his head back. I have to help him calm down. I talk to him gently, but firmly and try to distract him.  I feel he can understand, he gets calmer, and then we move on and get on with our day.

Nathan is such a gorgeous, good-natured little boy. He has come so far. The end of our day is our favourite time: bath, glass of milk, a book and cuddle before bedtime.

What do I wish for Nathan? A new family who will give him the love and support he needs. They need to have time. The time to play with him, be patient and tolerant as he manages his own development. Because he’s so lovely, I can only hope and pray his new family will continue to support him and help him bloom. I do feel emotional … I just want the best for him, and for him to be happy.’


There is a lot more to know about Nathan. Please contact Lucy, the social worker looking for a family for Nathan by email [email protected] or call on 020 7527 2186.



*Real names changed **stock photograph used


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