The Adoption Barometer survey 2025 is now open!
Each year, Adoption UK – the leading charity for all those whose lives involve adoption, survey adopters and adopted people to help them build the case for more support.
Adoption UK, which supports adopters, adoptees and the professionals that support them, has launched its annual ‘Barometer Survey’ to find out what life is really like for those involved with adoption. This year there is one survey, designed for adopted people, for prospective adopters and for adoptive parents. Share your views of the past year now!
The Adoption Barometer is the only UK-wide comprehensive stock-take of adoption, based on the findings of a large annual survey of adopters and adoptees, and an assessment of government adoption policies. Providing powerful evidence of the realities of adopting and being adopted.
By completing the survey, you can help those involved in adoption to build a bigger picture, to influence decision makers.
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and is for both adopters and adopted people – wherever you are on your adoption journey. Whether you are about to begin an assessment, many years down the road, or an adopted adult.

If you are an adoptee aged 16 or over, an adoptive parent of a child aged 0-25, this is an opportunity to share your views on a wide range of issues, from preparing to adopt to finding adoption support, from school to employment, from accessing records to relationships with birth family.
Whatever your status; based on your answers, you will be directed only to questions that are relevant to you. Complete the survey here.
With a total number of 17,000 over the past five years, the Adoption Barometer provides powerful evidence of the realities of adopting and being adopted. Now in its seventh year, the Adoption Barometer has the attention of government and adoption agencies across the UK, and makes recommendations for vital changes to adoption policy and practice. Your views, along with thousands of others, really can make a difference.
The survey is open until 17 February 2025. Please take part in the survey.